Your Parish Council
East Mersea Parish Council has five Councillors, you can see who they are and their contact details below.
There are also contact details for other key Council personnel from West Mersea Town Council, Colchester Borough Council and Essex County Council.
You can find more contact details on the Useful Information page.

Chairman Councillor
Major General Jeffrey Mason
2 The Anchorage, East Road, East Mersea, Colchester, CO5 8UJ
01206 386766
Sandra Salmonese
Blackwaters, Shop Lane, East Mersea, Colchester, CO5 8TR
01206 382836
Mrs Margaret Lawford
Fen Farm, Moore Lane, East Mersea, Colchester, CO5 8FE
01206 383275
Mr David Sunnucks
Waldergraves Farmhouse, 4 Waldergraves Lane, West Mersea, Colchester, CO5 8SE
01206 383499
Mrs Emma Green
Mersea Avenue, West Mersea, Colchester, CO5 8JL
Parish Clerk
Sue Pullen
The Elms, Maldon Road, Great Wigborough, Colchester, CO5 7SB
01206 735367
Other Council Contacts
West Mersea Town Council Mayor
Councillor Sophie Weaver
10 Melrose Road, West Mersea, Colchester CO5 8JD
01206 382128
Colchester Borough Councillor
Mr Robert Davidson
Brickhouse Farm, Lower Road, Peldon, Colchester, CO5 7QR
01206 735665
Essex County Councillor
Mr Kevin Bentley
32 Willoughby Avenue, West Mersea, Colchester CO5 8AU
01206 382405
Register of Interests
Under the 2011 Localism Act all Parish Councillors are obliged to record details of any interests they may have that might affect the way they undertake their duties. These are maintained in a Register of Interests held on the Colchester Borough Council website where they can be viewed by clicking this link.
Freedom of Information
To comply with the Freedom of Information Act, the Parish Council must publish details of what information it holds, how members of the public can access the information and what charge will be made for providing such access. The Council is in the process of preparing the fairly extensive document required of it and meanwhile anyone wanting information should contact the Clerk to the Council. Charges will be at cost and at the clerk’s discretion.
Code of Conduct
East Mersea Parish Council follows the model ‘Code of Conduct’ as issued by the ‘Standards Board for England’ under the Local Government Act 2000.